During her visit to Lok Virsa museum here the minister said that Pakistanhas a very rich and diverse culture and its cultural heritage is unique as the land where Pakistan is situated had been a seat of world's leading civilizations from the time immemorial.
She said that people living in each corner and region have their own indigenous traditions, life styles, craft and musical heritage, which they proudly practise in their daily life, she added.
The minister said that LokVirsaMuseum should be utilized as cultural promotion institute in the country.
The Minister was of the view that Lok Virsa along with culture ministries of provinces could play its role to highlight our cultural values and youth potential could be utilized for the purpose.
Lok Virsa has been asked to formulate a comprehensive strategy to engage youth of all provinces to participate in cultural programmes for promotion of soft image of the country, she added.
Dr. Firdous said that university chancellors, religious scholars and other stakeholders including embassies of different countries could be engaged to promote culture of Pakistan.
The Minister said that working of Lok Virsa will be modified as LokVirsaUniversity and its library will assist to the students of relevant departments of all possible universities.

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